
    5 Essential basics of Quantified Nutrition you must not ignore

    Quantified nutrition has been gaining importance in the recent time. Relying on nutritional aspects of a variety of food items not only help build a base but also aids in a proper fat loss and muscle gain. The approach largely varies with knowledge and has been getting over the edge in recent time. What one needs to focus on is understanding the basics of a quantified nutrition.

    Below are some of the important components of quantified nutrition when it comes to losing fat or gaining muscle mass.

    Important components of Quantified Nutrition

    Macros Calculation

    There are three important macronutrients which are calculated and followed in a general diet. Specifically, Protein, Carbohydrate, and Fats are calculated and distinguished based on the number of calories they generate per gram. Consequently, Protein and Carbohydrates generate 4 calories per one gram, and Fats generate 9 calories per gram for production of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate). When calculating macros in a diet, these things should be taken into consideration after the goal is set, keeping a close look at the calories they generate.

    Thermic Effect Of Food

    It is predominantly known as T.E.F acronym and Specific Dynamic Action in elsewhere. The proper definition of T.E.F accounts for how much our body uses its energy to break down food sources. Consequently, the more the calories are burnt in digesting a food, the better the food goes on to be on the list of the diet. For instance, fairly both fats and carbohydrate-rich foods have around same T.E.F to account for. Fats being at the lower side of 2-5 percent. Conversely, protein comes into account of having a profoundly larger T.E.F than the other macros.

    Nevertheless, a high protein rich meal falls into satiety state easily, as the body keeps on using energy to digest them. But the overall nature of foods is it only fats, protein or carbohydrates (in a day) tends to provide 10-15 percent space in the overall energy expenditure of humans. The other factors being Basal Metabolic Rate and Physical Activity level.

    Protein Macronutrient

    Not the most important macronutrient, but definitely the most popular. Protein helps in building up of muscle tissues and repairs damage. It has basically two functions in the body, dynamic and static. The static functions involve the brick and motors, more precisely the structure and strength of the body. Collagen, elastic and alpha keratin are examples of proteins acting as building blocks in bone matrix and Tissues. Subsequently, proteins also act in enzymes, hormones and blood clotting factors. Additionally, genetic control, muscle contraction falls under the dynamic functions of Protein.

    Keeping these points into consideration, protein consumption in a quantified diet acts largely and builds muscle, and also helps in reducing fat levels. The amount of protein in a quantified diet structure varies from 1g per Kg of body weight to 1.8g per Kg of body weight, depending on previous diet history. Excess protein just like its counterpart macros gets converted to a usable energy source through gluconeogenesis or stored in the body’s adipose tissues as fat cells.

    [su_note note_color=”#efefef”]Also read: Micro Nutrient Deficiency: A Macro Problem[/su_note]

    Total Daily Energy Expenditure

    This term is largely scientific, so I have kept it at the bottom. But it holds the heading for everything that is listed above. The total daily energy expenditure refers to the amount of calorie one consumes in a day, based on B.M.R, T.E.F and Physical Activity factor that makes the current weight of a person stable. After the calculation of T.D.E.E in a quantified diet, one can go on a deficit and surplus (fewer calories/more calories) from it for fat loss or muscle gain.

    Consider someone’s T.D.E.E comes at 2200 calories. This means the person has to eat the said calories in order to preserve or maintain the current weight and body composition of fat and muscles. If he/she plans to lose body fat/weight, slightly below 2200 will make weight loss(deficit). Consequently, eating above 2200 calories will make him/her gain weight(surplus). Based on one’s goal, T.D.E.E is specifically divided among the macronutrient Carbohydrate, Fats and Protein, with protein being constant as described above.

    Playing With Carbohydrate and Fats

    It is not a myth that most of the general population is inclined to the fact that Fat is the most neglected macronutrient. Conversely, not many of them know that out of the three it is the most important macronutrient, yes surpassing protein. Fat helps in various processes of metabolism and is the sole reason for fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K to get into the body and absorbed. So a fat-deficient diet will largely be lacking in these vitamins as well. The key is to carefully manage fat as well as Carbohydrates since Protein amount remains fixed.

    High-fat diets tend to lose more water in initial stages, and the weight loss seems to be quite easy. On the contrary, high carb diets do even aid in equal weight loss, but the process is fairly slow. Nevertheless, studies prove high carb diet to even minimize muscle loss during a deficit. Therefore, it all depends on what the goal a person has while starting a quantified nutrition. Obese individuals perform well with high carbohydrate diet, as scientifically the T.E.F of fats is almost zero in obese individuals, so they cannot use their body’s calories in digesting them.

    [su_note note_color=”#efefef”]Also read: What is ketogenic diet and how to lose weight with a ketogenic diet?[/su_note]

    Anjali Kalan
    Anjali Kalan
    Business Owner at Aarkstore Enterprise With years of experience under her belt, Anjali Kalan has formed a strong bond with the stream of market research and is highly capable of providing business insights to various industries.

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