
    Changing Your Perspective: 8 Workout Motivation Tips for Women

    Although both sexes struggle with weight issues, men tend to lose weight with much less effort than women. Hormones and other health aspects can change the way a woman’s body holds on to excess weight. When a woman is attempting to lose weight or simply get fit, exercise is essential. Unfortunately, motivation is often lacking and some women give up way too soon. Changing your perspective can make a big difference in how you approach a workout.

    Workouts Are Essential for Good Health

    Many women, especially moms, put their needs last. They focus more on taking care of their families and responsibilities than taking care of themselves. As has often been said, you cannot pour from an empty cup. Taking care of your health is essential for being able to be there for those who need you most. For more information, go to

    8 Workout Motivation Tips to Get You Going

    While workout motivation can come and go, there are some motivation tips that can help you reach for those sneakers and get your workout on. Consider the following to help you stay motivated to reach your fitness goals.

    1. List your goals and make them attainable. Having a list of attainable goals you can check off as they are reached can make a huge difference in your motivation. Seeing the progress that is being made will keep you going.
    2. What one thinks is what they become. Stop thinking of yourself as a couch potato and envision yourself as an athlete. The way you see yourself is going to directly affect how often, if at all, you work out.
    3. Scheduling a regular workout time is essential because it will get you in the habit. Pick a time of day that is best and stick with it. Remember it takes two weeks to make a habit.
    4. Keeping the workouts fun and exciting will also help you stay motivated. If your workouts are boring and mundane, you are not going to want to do them. Try new music and new moves and keep things interesting at all times.
    5. Having a support system in place is also beneficial. Getting friends to work out with will help you stay encouraged to keep going. Do not be afraid to recruit others for help.
    6. The right gear can also help you stay motivated. Having a nice pair of sneakers and workout gear will make you feel good putting them on. This gear will keep you going.
    7. Taking baby steps is also wise. If you jump in head first too fast, injuries could occur and make you lose focus. You cannot go from sedentary to gym warriors in one session.
    8. If fatigue rises, do not give up. Studies have shown pushing through the fatigue and exercising alleviates the tiredness and gives you energy.

    Stick with It

    Sticking with your workout will give the results you want with time. Even if it does not seem like it, you are making positive health and body changes each time you work out. Keep going and you will soon reach your fitness goals.


    The above motivation should help you to stay on task with your workouts and keep moving ever-closer to our fitness goals. Making positive changes takes time, but it will be worth the effort. Even if you lose your way, simply get up and start going again.

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